21 NOV 2016
Foods That Are Toxic To Hamsters
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Nutrition | Hamsters | Hamster Food
Hamsters have a lifespan of two to three years but some have been known to live up to four years or longer due to exceptional hamster care and a bit of luck. They are actually pretty good at hiding their illnesses until it's nearly too late, which is why it is important to keep a close eye on any changes in your pet's regular diet or routine. If you notice any signs of illness in your hamster, you need to see a veterinarian as quickly as you can. Most of the ailments associated with hamsters in captivity today can be attributed to the ignorance of modern day man, and our modern way of living. Almost 90% of the ailments of hamsters in captivity are directly or indirectly linked to the diet and the hamster's eating habits. Hamsters will eat or have a go at almost any food that is offered to them. They cannot decide for themselves what is bad or what is good for them, and care must be exercised when it comes to feeding your pet. Their diet is a major contributing factor in their dis.. [More] hamstereatingfrombowl.jpg
Tags : Foods That Are Toxic To Hamsters South Africa , Hamster Food South Africa Comment 0 Comments
18 MAR 2015
Keeping Your Hamsters Fit & Healthy
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Hamsters | Pet Inn | Pet Care
Hamsters are naturally energetic and inquisitive animals who benefit from exercise and play. A bored hamster with no way to burn calories may become lethargic, irritable or destructive. Supplying your hamster with toys and exercise equipment is an essential part of keeping him healthy. Benefits of Exercise Running around helps alleviate boredom, preventing your hamster from developing bad behavior such as excessive or destructive chewing. A bored hamster is going to be more likely to chew on his cage and destroy various toys and items within the living enclosure. A hamster who is not getting adequate exercise may be irritable or difficult to handle. If your hamster cannot exercise for extended periods of time, he may gain a significant amount of weight, which can cause other health problems to develop. Exercise Wheel An exercise wheel is an essential piece of equipment for your hamster's quality of life. Hamsters get in their wheels and run in place. Every hams.. [More] hamsterinsideball.jpg
Tags : Keeping Your Hamsters Fit & Healthy in South Africa , Hamster Exercise Wheel South Africa , Hamster Ball South Africa , Hamster Cage South Africa , Hamster Food South Africa Comment 0 Comments
23 SEP 2014
What Time Is Breakfast For Hamsters?
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Hamsters | Pet Care
It is easy to fall in love with a hamster, isn’t it? Sure, they’re not the most social creatures, especially when it comes to interacting with their human owners (though you can overcome this with enough contact with your pets). But, hamsters are just so little, adorable, inquisitive and busy. And that makes them a bundle of fun to watch. If only they shared more waking hours with us, right? But, no matter how small these pets are, they still need regular care just as any larger animal would do. And, once you’ve filled their cage with plenty of interesting activities and snuggly places to sleep, then it’s time to worry about what your wonderful little hamsters need to eat. So, Just What Do Hamsters Eat? Hamsters eat the food that comes in packets with their name on it, right? Well, yes, though you should probably get a little more specific than that if you want to be the best hamster owner possible. For a start, it’s essential to not.. [More] cutedwarfhamsters.jpg
Tags : What Time Is Breakfast For Your Hamsters , Hamsters South Africa , Hamster Food South Africa , Hamster Cage South Africa Comment 0 Comments
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